
Divine Energy Healing

Emory channels the divine energy to clear the blockages in your energy lines, allowing natural healing to occur - physical, mental, spiritual and/or emotional healing as appropriate for you. This can be in person or by distance delivery.

Through the methods of –

  • Reiki – hands on healing. Emory is a Reiki Master/Teacher.
  • Pranic – working on the energy fields that surround your body
  • Toning and Sound Therapy – to clear and raise your natural healing vibration
  • Time Line Therapy – change reactions to past experiences and related emotions
  • Crystal Light Bed Therapy – the energy of the whole body is elevated and cleansed through a treatment with the crystal lights. The individual coloured crystals powerfully energise your chakras or energy centres to aid your own healing process.
  • Pressure Point Therapy – energising and releasing blocked energy at specific points.
  • Hypnotherapy - experiencing deep states of awareness to allow you to heal yourself
  • Chakra Balancing – working with the energy to restore harmony to the body


Experience your true state of being

Alleviate stress and pain

Experience the calmness and peace

Experience the joy and love

Reconnect to who you really are

Allow yourself to relax and heal


Book A Healing Now


I give clairvoyant readings, heal and teach worldwide. For bookings please contact Emory.

Please ring for details:

Phone: +61 (0) 411030037

Email turningthekeys@gmail .com

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