
About Emory

Hi my name is Emory.

I have been working in the field since 1994 when Jesus appeared to me after I had called on God to help me. My husband of 28 years had left a month before and by circumstance my two children had moved out at about the same time. I was incapacitated by an injury and at the time I was a very frightened person, frightened of everything – spiders, the dark, being alone, being hurt, being attacked and anything else that you could think of. I had been in the house alone, incapacitated, lying on the bed in the afternoon, right at the bottom of my emotions. Even though I was not religious, I said, “God I can’t do it anymore. It’s up to you.”

Jesus immediately appeared to me and said, “Everything will be alright.” His energy was very powerful and loving. When Jesus had left, my grandmother who had died 5 years earlier appeared, standing in the bathroom. These appearances set off the beginning of my reawakening- my healing abilities and my channelled inspired writing.

The words that I write flow from me very quickly and while I recognise them, they are not my conscious thoughts and often they are in rhyming verse. I have published my first book named “Proof of Spirit” which can be purchased from this website. More books are to come.

These abilities were followed by my beginning to open the vortices, which are the energy intersections on the spiritual grid work, similar to our latitudinal and longitudinal lines around the Earth. As I open the vortices the negativity is lifted off and replaced by the loving energy of God that floods in and spreads out helping each person to awaken. These vortices also allow an opportunity to provide lost souls caught in the earth plane vibration to return to the loving vibration from whence we all came.

My clairvoyance, healing, mediumship, spiritual counselling and psychic gifts opened to enable me to help people on many different levels: from the physical to the mental, emotional and spiritual.

We are all on a journey back to ourselves, our true selves, our spiritual selves. We have occupied these bodies that we have chosen as well as the lessons of life that we have each chosen. There are particular people with whom we have signed contracts for specific tests and lessons to enable us to help each other to awaken to who we really are – spiritual beings whose true vibration is unconditional lovingness to everyone and everything.

Remember that we are all equal with our own divine purpose to fulfil.

I return the memory of this during my individual and group sessions, workshops, lectures, seminars and courses.

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