
Spiritual Courses

Many different topics are covered during my lectures, seminars, workshops and courses to empower you to develop further spiritually.

Please contact me if you require my services or to book a place.


A six week evening course of opening, clearing and developing spiritually.

It will incorporate:

Deep inner work to open and strengthen your connection to Spirit
Feeling the peace and power within
Accessing and strengthening your spiritual gifts
Working with the chakra system to release blockages, including emotional, physical, mental and spiritual
Healing the inner child
Accessing abundance
The course answers the questions of:

Why are we here?
How to live in full consciousness!
How to surrender!
How to find your true purpose.

INSTRUCTOR : Emory has been teaching since 1994 and has spent many years travelling the world opening vortices for Spirit to increase spiritual awareness worldwide.

Advanced Spiritual Development is available following the completion of Spiritual Development 1.


Please contact Emory for information or bookings,for courses,

lectures, seminars, workshops and retreats.

Phone +61 (0) 411 030037

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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